
#15. all a matter of pride

when non-texan sis was here last week, we went out to Buffalo Wild Wings to eat some asian zing wings and play a little trivia. (unrelated tangent: in my college town, everyone called this chain "BW3's" I say that here & people look at me like I'm crazy. am I crazy? tangent over.) In this very fine establishment, we saw a woman at the next table with a tattoo. a tattoo behind her right ear. a tattoo behind her right ear depicting the state of texas. the state of texas! (I totally wanted to get a picture of this, but couldn't come up with a good way to ask her)

now, maybe I'm just jealous because if I got a tattoo of my home state, it'd just be a rectangle (and I'd forever be explaining what it was). But really? the state of texas? umm . . . why? in case you forget where you live? of all things to have permanently inked on your body . . .

when I told Rock, he was totally unfazed. he's seen a million texas tattoos. is this some sort of bonding ritual or residency requirement or what? (cause if it is, I might never change my license plates)

no, he says, it's a matter of pride. state pride. I see. now, I'm proud of my state (mostly) but I'm still not getting a tattoo of it (see: stupid rectangle shape, above). so I told Rock I'm getting this:
{from cbs sports. here.}
(bonus points awarded if you recognize the mascot!)

1 comment:

  1. You're not crazy! Everyone calls it BW3s where I went to grad school. I had no idea what they were talking about, but then again I'd never heard of Buffalo Wild Wings before grad school... :)
