
#53. a confession

um, hi.

I used to write things here . . . about my upcoming, though now-over wedding.

and then I stopped. without warning, excuse or explanation. and this isn't really an explanation (and certainly not a good one) but, I think it's time for a confession . . .

I started writing a blog (this blog!) because I wanted to have friends.

there. that's out there. I wanted people to read what I wrote & think "man, that girl is cool & I want to be her friend!" having just moved to a big crazy state and a big crazy city, I wanted to connect with people.

and then I felt like no amount of anonymous text on the internets could create friends. and then I got lazy about writing.

so, I don't know if I'll keep writing here and if I do, it will certainly change focus (having finished with the wedding-ing and all . . .) but I just wanted to tell someone what happened . . .


  1. I was wondering what happened to you! Congrats on the wedding and keep happening... you never what kind of fun things (or people) you can stumble upon while blogging. :-)

  2. I was wondering about you as well! How did you like the place? We loved the wedding that we attended there except it was SNOWING that weekend. I'd love to see you back and blogging and just wanted you to know you were missed.

    And congratulations newlyweds!
